Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Elder Maurice Jayden Perkins
Tchau T3! Vou para Nampula, Batismo de France and Arlindo
Hello everybody! First I would like to apologize because I was not able to send an email last week, while we were doing internet the power went out. Anyways to recap the last week basically we had 4 more missionaries in our house because of the Ciclone up North. Everything is good now and they during this week. Also we had the baptism of Nelio. It was really good and very spiritual! I was able to do the confirmation as well and it was awesome to be a part of that.
This week has been good. It was a busy week where we had two baptismal interviews and people to teach as well. We were preparing for the end of the transfer, and well... I am leaving T3. It has been a good 4 transfers here and a place that I will never forget, experiences that I will always remember and people that I will always have in my heart. Elder Silveira will stay and this will be his 7th transfer in T3, 7 out of the 7 he has here in the field. He has earned the nickname, "The King of T3". I will go with Elder Samo and he will be my new companion in Nampula! I am excited and it will be awesome. We will leave today.
As well during this week we had the baptisms of Arlindo and France! Also the Bishop baptized his little daughter! It was an awesome experience and the best Baptismal service we have had here. We did it together with the ward of Ndlavela and they had a baptism as well. I was able to baptize France and it was very special. He is the young man who bore his testimony in Testimony Meeting the first time he came to church. He shared a scripture with us to ask us a question and it was funny because the scripture applied to him perfectly! In Alma 32:16 it says "Therefore, blessed are they who humble themselves without being compelled to be humble; or rather, in other words, blessed is he that believeth in the word of God, and is baptized without stubbornness of heart, yea, without being brought to know the word, or even compelled to know, before they will believe."
This scripture applies to him and it was a special experience when he asked about the scripture.
As well we had the baptism of Arlindo. He is 12 and the nephew of Helder. It was awesome and humbling as well to teach him. I will miss visiting those little kids. Each one I have a handshake with them and the handshake with Arlindo is the "Wakanda Forever".
It's been an awesome time here in T3. I know that all of the success has come from the Lord. It has been amazing seeing the people that were put in our path and that Elder Silveira, and Elder Ferreira and I were able to help and teach. I am grateful for this wonderful work and know that it is the work of the Lord. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is His church!
Well next week I will be in Nampula! Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support! Ate proximo!
-Elder Perkins MMM