Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Hanna Haviland
Kumusta my dear friends, Today has been a very exciting day here at the MTC. All of the missionaries are very excited about the changes in the communication guidelines for missionaries. all in all I don't think that I have seen so many smiling faces on the MTC campus during my time here. Especially in our zone. The three districts that came in the same day that I did are anxiously awaiting our flight plans because, drum roll please, WE ONLY HAVE 10 DAYS LEFT IN THE MTC )insert correctly facing direction ) as well as 10 exclamation points because the key board I am using is kinda special and many of the keys are switched case you were wondering, yes, it does make typing more difficult)
I am still loving it here at the MTC and the language is still coming. Tuesday we were blessed to hear from another apostle. Elder Soares came and spoke to us about, you guessed it, obedience. But it was such an amazing talk. I am so grateful for all of the blessings we are promised if we are obedient to the commandments of our God.
We actually had kind of a fun experience teaching this week. After teaching a lesson, Sister Stoker and I were having an evaluation with out teacher about how the lesson went. One of the first things that he said was that our Tagalog was magaling, in other words, our Tagalog was great. I kinda just looked at him for a second and then had to double check and make sure that I had heard him right because, well, I am fully aware that my Tagalog is less than ok, and then he and Sister Stoker just started laughing at me. Brother Lieshman, our teacher, then corrected himself and said that maybe it wasn't as great as he had originally thought because he likes to joke least I hope.
This week we also did an exercise where we were supposed to teach about what faith is in English and then teach it again in Tagalog. Can I just say that teaching in English was not only weird, but it was hard. I felt like I couldn't get all of the thoughts out that I wanted to say, how backwards is that. But I loved how teaching in Tagalog forced me to teach it more simply. Family and Friends I am so very thankful for the simplicity of the gospel of Jesus Christ and I am so grateful for the Book of Mormon that teaches that doctrine so clearly.
Any ways, after we had the experience teaching about faith we were able to do a gospel study about repentance. I read the scripture 2 Nephi chapter 26 verses 24 and 27. (ten out of ten would recommend reading) so much joy filled my heart in that moment and my desire to the truth of this gospel increased dramatically. My friends, the Savior always has his hands reaching out towards us. He is always inviting us to come unto Him and to find peace and joy through his atoning sacrifice.
In other exciting news, this Wednesday we hit our one month mark. Which is so weird because I feel like I have only been here for a couple days. but I am so excited to be heading out so soon.
That is all for this week. I hope that this upcoming week you are able to see the hand of the lord in every day. I love you and am so grateful for your support.
-Sister Haviland
P.S. The email for all of the missionaries has changed this week. even with this change we have been told that our mail should be forwarded to our new email throughout the duration of our mission. My new email is hanna.haviland@