Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Elder Andrew Maxfield
Sitting On The Right Hand of God
25 Brown Estates Dr.
Lafayette, GA 30728
Baptism Mania🌊🌊🌊
Hey yall! How was the week?!?! That's GREAT TO HEAR😱😱 I'm doing great and it's been a great/stressful/hectic/🫠🫠🫠 week.
First of all, I just want to say thank you. Your prayers worked. JACKIE GOT BAPTIZED!!
It was sooooo good!! It was such a happy day!! She was late and was anxious but as soon as she got into the building, she felt peace and it all went smoothly🙂
Here's my super duper donut hole week!
- For P Day we played Topgolf, ate Chipotle, walked the Walnut Street Bridge, and ate ice cream. It was so much fun, a repeat of one of my favorite P Days! After the Sisters split, we saw a carousel and it was FREE! You know we had to hop on that sheesh it was living childhood dreams😌
That night we watched Prezzy Nelson's 100th birthday celebration! It was a lot of fun to see him in action. My personal favorite was the Elder Eyring/Elder Oaks podcast. We need more of those it was very entertaining😂
- Not too many pictures but I'll try to take a picture with Katelynn, Isabell, and Kae-Lei so yall can see the awesome little rebels I'm teaching rn! They're so much fun😂
- We had a great Wednesday we had our first big lesson with Kae-Lei! She's so mature for being 16, she knows and wants so much more than I did at 16 it's wild!
We taught about the Plan of Salvation and pray next time we'll set a date for baptism🙏
- Also Wednesday was Jackie's Baptismal Interview. We(I) was kinda nervous since it was with our mission president and I've been the one to teach her all I know, so I had to trust what I know. But she PASSED and President said she was so unbelievably prepared so yayyyyy😁
-Friday we had another exchange with the ZLs! I was in Lafayette again(still haven't gone to Chattanooga) but I was with Elder Shelley again!! A repeat exchange and I loveddddddd it🤩 it was much needed and we found some awesome people!
- Jackie was baptized Saturday and evem though setting up the program was stressful as all get out, it was so worth it! We had amazing talks, lots of family that weren't members, and successful baptism and confirmations despite the flaws of the ones performing them(Elder Naufahu and Elder Maxfield).
As I confirmed Jackie, I was filled with the Spirit. I know now what the scriptures mean when the Spirit overwhelms their body and they feel faint. I could feel my body being a literal conduit for the Priesthood of God to flow through me. I was absolutely 100% exhausted afterwards😵💫😵💫🥱🥱 The more we prepare for those feelings the more accustomed to the overpowering feeling it has on us and the better the experiences! I loved helping Jackie I any way I could and I've loved helping one more person get baptized in to Christ's restored church.
Not much more excitement! Please pray for our friends we need all the help we can get sometimes! I love yall so much, please know I'm praying for yall always!
I know that God's work is true. It will go forward boldly and will never stop, but will we join in the march? Ponder what you need to do to help God's work push forward!
- Love yall! ELDER MAXFIELD🤙🫶🏻🧡