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Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Elder Andrew Maxfield

Last Week In Lebanon?

I'm just gonna put that out there, even though I won't know what's happening with transfers until tomorrow. I've never stayed in an area for 4 transfers and it would be my turn to leave. But crazier has happened🤷‍♂️

It was another great week! We worked hard and saw results even in the freezing cold!

We're working with the Joyners! They're a family in Watertown who were interested in changing their lives for the better! That's always good right? We had a great Plan of Salvation lesson with Teresa and she seemed to really enjoy what we had to say and we could all feel the Spirit present.

Pray for us please! We really want, I REALLY WANT to find many wonderful people this week and I can't do it without the Lord's backing. We've found 9 in the last 2 weeks which has been amazing and we only want to go up from there!

- We helped with FAM Essentials again this week and moved a lot of furniture into the home of 2 Hispanic families living together.(It was a lot of beds)

- We had Interviews with President and Sister Barlow! They were great interviews for me, I learned a lot, I was told a lot, and I still don't know if I'm staying or going😅 I loved being able to learn from them and was able to ask all manner of questions!

- BIG DISCOVERY!¡!¡ I have been watching all the church history movies recently and I watched a movie called Treasure in Heaven: The John Tanner Story

It's an amazing short example of one of the many courageous pioneers. Go watch it. Especially because it turns out he's my 7th great grandfather! So stinkin cool to figure out! Family history is actually super cool whek you read about the stories of people you don't know who have impacted others and make you proud to be part of the family you are! So go read family history for an hour sometime next week! It won't disappoint I promise.

That's about it from me! I hope you all have a great week! Before I go I'll share a quote I loved this week!

This is from Brother Wilcox's talk given at this last General Conference, titled, "O Youth of the Noble Birthright"

The quote I'd like to share is this:

"It would be easy for Heavenly Father to simply give you all that He has. His desire is to help you become all that He is. Thus, your commitments demand more of you because that is how God is making more of you."

We get to decide if we want and seek the blessings the Lord has in store. He will never force us to take the blessings He has, nor will he give them to us without our effort to receive them!

Think about that this week. What will you do to receive blessings. Blessings are not a burden. They just require work.


- Elder Maxfield🔸️🔸️🔸️

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