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Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Elder Isaac Iverson more like Monthly Email


Hello friends and family!! I am bored enough today to grind out another group email. Let's jump into some highlights!

Collin and Corinna: The Lord works MIRACLES!! We scheduled a lesson with this sweet part-member family. Collin is the member. We were doing some How to Begin Teaching, pretty much overviewing what we do as missionaries, and they start telling us how they were praying for an answer on how we could draw closer to God and me and my previous companion Elder Ackerson found them out front of their house! They talked much more of ways the Lord had prepared them for us. We taught the message of the Restoration and it was powerful. There was tears and warm fuzzies. It was a super bien lesson!

We have another man named Franco who said he's ready for a baptismal date as soon as he gets his COVID vaccine later this week!

I don't know what else to write about. Things are going great here in Boerne, TX! I love the mission and all the blessings it brings. OH! I hit 18 months on the 25th, so I'm an old Elder now! It's going way too fast.

I would just like to leave y'all with my simple testimony that the church Christ had established while on earth has been Restored. We are living in the last dispensation and the Lord continues to love, bless, and work miracles in all of our lives! He loves you. I love you!! Have a great week or month til I right my next one!!😁😊😊😁😆☺🤪😝🤩☺😀😁😊😃😊🙂😊

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