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Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Elder Joshua Abbott



Hey everyone! This week was super awesome! We had MLC on Tuesday which was lots of fun. We talked about the new missionary handbook and becoming more committed missionaries. It was a good time and I definitely learned a lot. We got a good amount of snow this week, like 8 inches or so, which made being outside so much fun. We actually had a super nice family let us in and feed us dinner on a freezing night so that was super awesome. On Saturday we had a Sacrifice Saturday so we just went finding for like 8 hours with the Zone. We found lots of awesome people and hopefully helped out some other missionaries in the Zone with their areas. We got to talk in sacrament meeting yesterday, I talked about revelation and used the story of Joseph Smith as an example of receiving revelation. It was a great experience and made my last Sunday in the ward a great one. And with that being said, yes I'm being transferred... to Colville. That's a small town north of Spokane about 2 hours. I'm super pumped about it though because Canada is in my district so I'll be able to go up there for exchanges and stuff! I've loved serving in the Lincoln Heights ward so much and I'm definitely going to miss serving here, but I'm super excited to go serve more of God's children in another part of His vineyard. I know God lives and He loves all of you so much, have a great week! I'll talk to yalls later! 

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