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Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Elder Andrew Maxfield

What To See In East Tennessee🌊

1426 Mountain Ranch Rd, Newport, TN 37821 Apt C

Pretty cool flicks👌

We've got a NEWPORT MIRACLE! We are doing great! We've had amazing success this week and we are excited for an even better week this week.


He's getting baptized tomorrow! He's been taught for 2 years so while I'm not really doing much, it's nice to know that we will be able to finally help him makes covenants. He's an amazing person and is ready for his baptism! Everybody pray for James!


For me, this was the biggest tender mercy of the week! They came to church last week and this week we had a lesson with Bethany! She said that she loved asking questions and understanding for herself the truth of things. Check✅️ she said that she loved the Book of Mormon. Check✅️ and she said that her and Tim have talked about baptism and want to be baptized. CHECK✅️ HOLY CRAP! We are really excited to meet with them. Please please please pray for them to progress and see the blessings that come from baptism!

This week I failed to take any pictures. That's my bad. I apologize! I'll try to do better! We had 7 lessons with members in them which was 100% something I've been trying to accomplish for a long time! This week we're going for 10!

Today for P Day I got to play hours of pickleball which was holy. I missed playing, it's been months since I've played good, consisten pickleball! The Cumberland Zone is the best, I've missed it!

If yall have any questions please let me know, I don't know what more to write about!

For my spiritual thought, I would like to share a principle of the gospel! It is called

" The Fall of Adam and Eve"😱

I know crazy right?!

I love this principle because it is one of the principles we teach that helps people develop a different perspective of the beliefs they might have had previously. I'm going to explain it in a little more in depth than I would one of my friends, but feel free to ask me questions or correct me!

Adam and Eve were left to charge the Garden of Eden, a paradise for them.

God commanded them to do 2 things.

1. Multiply and replenish the earth.

2. Do not partake of the tree of "knowledge of good and evil" or they would surely die.

What we understand about the state of Adam and Eve is that they were in an innocent state, not knowing good for they knew no evil. They, no matter what others believe now, could not physically fufill the Commandment to multiply in their current state. As part of this plan, Satan tempted them, thinking he could ruin the Father's plan. But the all knowing Father knew what would be necessary for His children to do in order to receive the mortality they had agreed to endure. Free will was the key player in this plan, so there was to be no disturbance in their choice to fufill commandment. As Eve partook of the fruit, she received the instant knowledge that what she had done was wrong. She knew she had disobeyed her Father and that she would surely be cast from the garden. Knowing this, she confronted Adam and asked him to partake as well. Adam, still being in a more innocent state, was sure he was not supposed to disobey his Father. What happens next is less known to us. Adam and Eve surely discussed that she would surely be cast out and they would be separated, unable to fufill the promise to multiply, thereby ending morality before it ever began! With this further understanding, Adam partook of the fruit and transgressed against the Father's commandment. As God visited His children once more, He found them hiding, seeking refuge from His inevitable judgement. He, still as a loving Father, told them that they had indeed transgressed and would need to be cast from the garden of Eden. He cursed the land and made possible for mortal life to be hard and require much effort to succeed, eventually leading to death.

As Adam and Eve were cast down, they began to live life, officially separated from God. But because of our loving Father's plan, we have much more good than bad from this story. Adam and Eve, along with their children, received a knowledge of how to repent, how to make covenants, and how to learn from their mistakes through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. And above all, they were able to procreate and bring children to the world! This is so important to you and me! Because of their transgression, we are able to be here, living this amazing life. There is nothing better than the experiences we are able to make here, causing growth in our lives that is individual and perfect.

I have come to know these things to be true. I hold my testimony firm in the scripture that says, "Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy." I know that we are meant to have joy. Because of our sorrow, our joy is able to exceed that sorrow through Christ. Please seek joy. You can find it in so many places. In so many people. Joy is seeking you, because joy is from our Savior Jesus Christ, who seeks us.

I say all these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Have a great week! Please. Email me.

I love yall🫶🏻

Elder mAxFiELd

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