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Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Elder Braden Harris

Keep your pants on next time bro

Writing this so my mom doesn't get mad at me lol

This week took forever I can't lie. It's been a struggle adjusting back to missionary life but the work is great! I've had the hardest time staying asleep at night and I've been so sleep deprived that I can't focus during our lessons 🙃 Unfortunately the beds didn't get any bigger so my feet still hang of the end so that might be why haha. I fr feel like I'm in the movie Fight Club.

Our teaching pool is crazy right now. We're teaching around 50 people which is quite the task. What sucks is that we keep finding people like crazy so we have to drop a lot of our friends that aren't progressing so we can make room. It's sad to see them go but I know that as long as we plant the seed, they could find their way back all according to God's will!

Tracking after New Years was quite the experience 😂  There were so many people hung over or still drunk which made for a lot of fun conversations. This one guy invited us into his apartment so we could talk to his mom on FaceTime. We talked to her for a second be she was firm in her belief so it didn't really go anywhere. After we talked to her we finally got to share our beliefs with the dude. While my comp was reading a quick scripture, the dude started taking his pants off. He said his shorts were on backwards but who knows, brodie was HAMMERED

It's been so fun seeing our friends progress and work towards baptism. There's so many sick people in our teaching pool and I really do love all of them. I know that God loves them even more than I ever could too. Seeing them experience so many awesome miracles has brought me so much joy.

Love ya guys! Email me back so I can hear from you!!

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