Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Elder Braxton Poole
Training is over whats next? (Week 15)
WOW, feels like yesterday that our first transfer ended! It's been kinda weird building up to transfers. We went on two exchanges that both were a party! My first was with Elder Davis, as always we had a good time with Spanish. The other was with Elder Dye, he is from Island Park, Idaho! It was so much fun and the area we were in was kinda the boonies compared to Wesley Chapel so it reminded me of home a little. The reason I brought it up was because we met so many just different people there it kinda scared me!
We had a lot of good lessons over the week and met a few new friends. I guess we didn't have anything drastic happen. It's been pretty average I guess, but I won't be keeping track of Wesley Chapel anymore! I'm going to Ocala!
Ocala is the most northern zone in our mission and I get to be right in the city! My new companion only has one transfer left so that is crazy! Can't wait for the new adventures. Really sad to leave all of the other Elders in Tampa zone but it will be so worth it! I'll try and do better next week with my email!
Elder Poole