Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Elder Brogan Bingham
So this week was a super eventful week as you can tell by my title. I have returned to Catanduanes Island if you remember the last time I was here I was in the farthest area out in the jungle. SO what happened is my companion went home early so he could enroll in a school which left President Abraham with the decision of what was going to happen to me. So this week we also had Zone Conference and we found out new plans for the mission but we still had no idea what was going to happen to me. After zone conference, I found out that President was going to Catanduanes for another zone con and I still had no idea what was going to happen to me. Then what happened is I woke up the next morning and got a call from the assistants that I needed to pack my bags because I was traveling with them to Catanduanes. In the car with President Abraham, I found out that I would be a Zone Leader out here on the island which was super surprising. He told me that he woke up in the middle of the night and received the revelation that I need to go to Catanduanes with them and be a Zone Leader. So here I am on Gilligans Island just me and my companion and 16 other missionaries. Pretty exciting but I gotta go and I will send pictures because I have a lot. Love you all and have a good week .