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Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Elder Caiden Jones

Email numba four: Lots of Opps Out Here

I'm finally out into the field and I already have some great stories and experiences but before I get into that I need to talk about the last few days of the MTC.

The last few days were basically the same as any of the other days. Lots of classes, learning, and messing around but one of the very obvious changes was how I was feeling. It was weird because I was really excited to leave the MTC and get into the field but it sucked because I grew really close to my district and I knew I wouldn't see them or really even talk to them easily for two years. It was crazy because I got to say goodbye to every elder in my district and was the only one from my district in the MTC for about 2 and a half hours. It was a very lonely and boring 2 and a half hours. I also didn't know what time a friend from home got to the MTC but probably only missed him by a few hours. I won't miss the MTC but it was a fun time.

After I was finally allowed to leave the confines of the MTC, I had a few hours of travel ahead of me. It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but that's probably just because my "travel companion" knew what they were doing so I got to Cali with ease.

First things first, California is way too humid for missionary attire. You get used to it pretty quick but I'm so glad my comp and I have a car. Speaking of which, my comp's name is Elder Matsuura. He is a super chill dude, a very good trainer, and a crazy driver. Our pad is pretty nice. We share with another companionship but it is so much fun. I can't write his name but one of them is Somoan and he is hilarious. The pad has two bedrooms (that we don't use), two bathrooms, a kitchen, living room, and a washer and dryer. We don't use the bedrooms because there isn't AC in them so we move all of our matresses to the living room at night, sleep surrounded by fans, and then put the matresses back in the morning so we can use the living room. We didn't have a whole lot of food options before tody so we just threw a lot of random things together and survived off of that, eggs, and fruit. What was worse is the water situation.

You might be confused about the title of this email so here's an explanation. I've been sick for basically my whole mission so far. My nose and throat have been awful since a day or two after I got here. I don't really know why but my best guess is the water I was drinking. We don't have any way to get water besides the tap which I thought wasn't a big deal until my companion saw me drinking from the tap a few days into my mission and told me that California water was terrible and that's probably why I was sick. Turns out there was a pitcher of filtered water in the fridge. I don't know if it really was the water but I don't know what else it would've been.

Because I've been sick it has been kind of hard to be a missionary. Luckily I have been able to push through it and still do missionary work. We've been able to hand out a few Book of Mormons and plant some seeds but no crazy miracle stories quite yet. I will be blessed after the trial of my faith. We were able to go buy medicine today and I'm really hoping I don't have pneumonia because that's what my cough kind of sounds like.

That's one opp. The others are dogs. It is so hard to talk to someone as their dog is barking as much and as loud as possible. The next is when their house has a door (not a gate), a walkway, and then their real door. We don't want to be considered as trespassing or something so we just leave those houses alone. The explanation is a little weird but I hope you know what I'm talking about.

We haven't had too much success yet but I am not discouraged by it and we just gotta keep pushing forward. I know that I am here for a reason, whether that be a person to teach, a missionary to help, or a lesson that needs to be learned and I know that as long as I stay diligent and obedient I will fulfill that purpose.

I could explain a lot more but I really hate that my emails are kinda long so I'm gonna cut it off. If you want to hear more then just email me any questions and I'll be happy to reply (if it' still my p-day.)

With that I will leave you with a picture or two because l am now realizing that I have taken way more videos than pictures and they're too big for Gmail to let me send them. Gmail is also an opp. Might have to start a Google photos. I promise you every night is hilarious which sucks because laughing hurts and I start laugh-coughing. Anyways. See ya next week.

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