Mesquite Nevada Stakes
Elder Cameron Spilker
What's up everybody! This week was my last couple days in 공주 (gongju) and my first couple days in my new area 논산 (nonsan). So I have a new comp and new apartment and all that. I have been to every area in my district and all of my past comps have stayed so most of our district are my old comps.😂
Anyway the best food for the week was 샤부샤부. (Sha bu Sha bu) it was gas. They give you a pot of boiling broth and some stuff to put in it and then it's all you can eat from there. I over ate big time. (More expensive than we thought)😔
Anyway exited about my new area. The apartment is a step up for sure which is nice. The members are awesome and a couple of them are english teachers so the speak really clearly and it's awesome. Also we teach english class here! It's only 2 people but it's better than 0.
This week I have been thinking about how God helps us accomplish his work. It's really hard to do missionary work in Korea but as I a have put my efforts in they have been magnified and I have seen a lot of growth by doing what I can. We can only control our effort and attitude so if we give our effort and have a good attitude than we don't need to worry because that's all we can do and if we do all we can, God will magnify our best.
Have a good week!
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