Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Elder Drake Wakefield
Ayo halo
Good week, had splits w my DL this week, that was cool. We got to give a blessing to this cute little kid in the hospital. Made me grateful for the wonderful body I was blessed to have. A pic from the hospital room. Also made me grateful to grow up in such a wonderful country and what a privilege it is. Glad for the opportunity to appreciate what I didnt even know I had.
We were able to teach this group of kids English, it was so fun. They know basically nothing about english so it was teaching introductions and simple questions. We met the lady that set it all up last week while finding. They want us to come back and she said even more kids want to come so I'm pumped for Wednesday🙏
Heres just a bar of a verse from Alma in chapter 41
15 For that which ye do send out shall return unto you again, and be restored; therefore, the word restoration more fully condemneth the sinner, and justifieth him not at all.
That is why when you do good works to others with a sincere heart, you can't help but find happiness yourself. Good deeds will be restored unto you. But it also means the bad will also be restored, so that is why restoration condemns sinners. To restore something is "to bring back into original use or function". If your origin is that of kindness and good inclination, that is what shall be given in the next life. But for there to be good, there needs to be its opposite. So please this week, look for ways to look outwards, and you yourself will find a better person inwards. Not only for this life, but for the eternal one to come. The restoration you desire for the next life comes to pass from the actions of this life. Love yall -Elder Wakefield
Our driver drove on hopes and dreams for about 20 minutes.