Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Elder Isaac Iverson
Final Stretch
It's been a while since I've updated all my folks, so here's what I got.
I'm still in Culebra Creek/Wildhorse. I've had a load of responsibility thrown on me as of late, which is great because I prefer to be busy. Right now I'm zone leader of west zone and training a new missionary. My mission president is also having me pilot tracting in this mission before we open it up to the whole mission, which has been great! Since I've done it before, it has been super fun to go back. We've found a few people, but tracting never was or will be the most effective way to find people to teach.
We have a A LOT of miracles as of late (all credit to the Lord🤍)! Thanks to our members and faithful friends we are teaching, we were able to have 7 nonmembers at church last week! It was crazy and because of overlapping meetings we had to leave some of our friends in the hands of our members. It was awesome!! Nobody committed to baptism yet, but we are getting really close with more than a few! 🙏
I don't know if I'll send out another one of these updates before I go home because I'm a terrible emailer. I hit my 22 months on Sunday and I go home at the end of September. I love y'all, but I'm not ready to go home. This mission has meant everything to me! I love serving the Lord with all of my heart, so I do my best to give my all to Him. I have such a firm testimony that Christ has a church on the earth today and that is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! The Lord has been so wonderful to me, and I hope to turn that around and help others!