Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Elder Jaeger Lee
Hi Everyone, sorry for sending so many emails. I'll try to tone it down a little.
Anyway, I believe my last email was about my earthquake experience whilst on the toilet. I haven't had anything like that happen recently which is unfortunate, but I'm still doing good nonetheless.
I was transferred after 3 transfers in Hibarigaoka to a place called Takao. It's technically part of a bigger city, and we just get the mountain part of it. It's quite beautiful.
Since my last email I have had 3 more companions. Elder Dingle (Philippines), Elder Souza (Brazil), and now Elder McMillan from Utah.
I'm guessing that this area will probably be my last. I have under 4 months left though, so who knows what can happen. I'm looking forward to seeing how this area plays out.
Don't wanna bore you guys too much, so I'll end the email here.
Mon 4/29/2024 1:42 AM
Hi Everyone, sorry for sending so many emails. I'll try to tone it down a little.
Anyway, I believe my last email was about my earthquake experience whilst on the toilet. I haven't had anything like that happen recently which is unfortunate, but I'm still doing good nonetheless.
I was transferred after 3 transfers in Hibarigaoka to a place called Takao. It's technically part of a bigger city, and we just get the mountain part of it. It's quite beautiful.
Since my last email I have had 3 more companions. Elder Dingle (Philippines), Elder Souza (Brazil), and now Elder McMillan from Utah.
I'm guessing that this area will probably be my last. I have under 4 months left though, so who knows what can happen. I'm looking forward to seeing how this area plays out.
Don't wanna bore you guys too much, so I'll end the email here.
Here's my pictures: