Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Elder Joshua Abbott
I Milked a Goat!
Hey everyone! This week was pretty sweet. We found a couple of new people to teach and had tons of lessons. Other than that the highlight of the week was service. And more specifically milking goats! So milking an animal has always been on my bucket list but I've never really gotten the opportunity. So we went to do service for a member and he said he needed his goats to be milked. Well of course I jumped on the opportunity and he let me milk his goat. It was super weird but also lots of fun. I'll send a video so yall can see it. Other then that missionary work is about the same. I'm getting the hang of this while technology thing so hopefully soon it'll be easier to do. I know that God lives and that He's hastening His work at this time. I hope yall can feel His love as much as I do at this time. Love ya 😁