Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Elder McClain Easton
This isn't the Reservation!?!
Hey Fam,
This week has been pretty good. I miss my reservation family, but Minot is cool. There's a lot of awesome members here. I am also excited to teach lessons to and provide service for. The people here are super nice. We get fed meals! There is an Airforce base in Minot. I am excited to learn more about it. Being a Zone Leader is pretty amazing There are some awesome missionaries in my zone. I can't wait to get to know them better! This week I was able to use my Melchizedek Priesthood authority 3 times, which was awesome. If you have the Melchizedek Priesthood, I invite you all to use it because it's a rare gift that not a lot of people have. If you are going through some trials or need some comfort, I invite you to ask for a blessing! The Melchizedek Priesthood is the power to act in God's name. I bare testimony that a Priesthood blessing comes from God. I know that it can heal the sick and help anyone! If you want to know more about the Priesthood please ask.
Elder Easton
Another Cool companion Elder Fawley