Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Elder McLain Easton
Hau (Lakota for hello)
This week has been amazing and full of so many miracles. Nellie, (someone we have been teaching in Pineridge) got baptized!!! I was able to confirm her a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. It was so awesome!!! I was super nervous. Brother Not- Help- Him and Elder Oman told me that I could do it with the guidance of the Holy Ghost. My Mission Mom, Summer also gave me the courage I needed. So I stepped in faith and gave her a blessing and confirmed her a member. It was super cool and the spirit was really strong. We have so many angels in our mist. I will forever be grateful for the example of Nellie. Today I found out I'm going to get transferred. I'm kind of sad about it. My trainer, Elder Oman has been wonderful and has been teaching me so much. But that's the way the mission life goes. I'm still going to be on the Reservation. Its just in a different town called Kyle. Its about a hour away from Pineridge. I love the Ridge but I guess God has another plan for me. So I will go where God wants me to go, and do what he wants me to do. I invite you all to reach out to a coworker or friend who you think could use some spiritual uplifting. And remind them that God has a plan for them. I would love to hear from you
Elder Easton