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Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Elder Ryan Bruehl

Week 13


Howdy y'all! This week has gone by in a flash! It's been raining a lot so we've struggled to get outside but we've trudged through some of the rain.

We had a good amount of success in Baldwyn this last week. We thought we had walked every street in that small town but we found one hidden away and talked to 8 or so people who all showed interest! We were also inspecting a little creek because Elder Voth wants to catch a frog. We saw a frog but unfortunately it was dead. After poking at it for a few minutes we heard some noise and saw a lady cleaning up some rubbish. We, of course offered to help out! She prefered to do it herself but we started talking about the gospel. She was very receptive and opened up about a portion of her life... Just yesterday we were heading back from a round of street contacting and we decided to knock on a house that was tucked away on our way back to the apartment. The person we were expecting was not there but a man answered and we asked if he would like to hear our message. Skipping some, he opened up and shared that he was struggling. He had been drinking, and high, and had been considering commiting suicide. He had prayed to The Lord for help... Then we knocked on his door.

While at times the weight of life can seem opressive and too much to handle, in and through the Savior's atonement we may find rest. He died that we might live!

We just had fast and testimony meeting this Sunday. I urge you all to bear your testimony! And to bear it often! No matter your pain, no matter your circumstance, when bearing testimony of The Lords redeeming, strengthening, and enduring love you will find joy. These things I promise in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Much Love,

Elder Bruehl

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