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Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Elder Trey Hafen

Chapter 19: Easter in Zion🐇✝️, 🛤 than onward to the Lafayette, home of Purdue 🚂

It been a busy last few weeks. With finishing final touches in Zionsville towards transfers. Zionsville is a very rich area so we had to start knocking neighbors. As we were knocking the neighbors to find people to teach we knocked into Coderre. She wasn't interested in hearing a message than we offered services. Services was the only thing that work basically in the neighborhood. She took up on it. As we were having daily contact with her we invited her to our Easter service. After doing some landscaping for her we gave her the information. She was very into and ask if we could meet her put front. Which was amazing to hear after a lot of rejection and also with the work being slow in Zionsville. She came to the Easter service. It was an amazing service about Jesus Christ and the wonderful miracles he did for us. Coderre enjoyed and loved the service. After the service she was very interested to learn more about our church. But as I was in the Easter service I felt the spirit very strongly of the testimonies and songs of Jesus Christ. But I didn't let coderre know of the present of the holy ghost. Usually if I miss the opportunity to point out the holy ghost, I feel regret from the spirit. But it in this case I didn't. She meant how she felt the Holy Ghost. She said "trey your church as something that alot of Churches miss, and that is an emotional feel/ connection to something" I then pointed out that it is the Holy Ghost, and it is the comforter of truth. She then started asking me more questions about the gospel. Which then we talked about bore in sin and stuff the catholic believe. She loved the restored truths of what we believed. We made an appointment to meet with her the next day. Members invited her over for dinner and we talked more about our church. I then said my goodbyes to her as I told her I will be going to Lafayette. Please pray for Coderre as she is starting her journey. 

Now as I finishing my time in Zionsville we went by pisthou home to see what else we can do to fix his car. As we were there helping him out, some of his friends came over to his place. As they were walking over pisthou looks over to us and told us to teach them. It was very interesting in that moment that he wanted us to teach his friends. I was very pleased to do so, but what I liked more about the situation was Pitshou,  a Non member referring his friends over to us on the spot. He had his missionary experience. I'm greatful that he feels joy in the restored gospel. As he's continuity learning the gospel. I'm great to have found him and taugh him for as long as I did. Even tho the language barrier was tough. I'm just glad I had a cousin who married a stud that spoke French. Please pray Pisthou and his beloved family as this time as he continues his journey in the gospel. 

That transfer was forsure tough one. Especially covering another ward in a different stake. But a lot of self-mastery made in that time. Zionsville was definitely an amazing ward and I'm greatful for my time there. 

I am now in Lafayette Indiana, home of Purdue. Some context of Purdue. Drew Brees was QB their in college, David A Bednar got his PHD at Purdue University, and is a big agriculture school. I'm in ward called Prophetstown. Great area. It's kinda like my first area,  Avon. Pretty crazy that I meant Zach Edey a day after the championship game. We meet Zach Edey the start center at Purdue out in the country at a gas station. That was pretty hype. The work had been a lot of fun up here in Lafayette. My new companion is Elder Rice and he's pretty chill. We have had some awesome experiences in the work. This week as we were finding people to teach we knocked into a Haiti family. All dressed up nice. They attended a funeral service of a loved one. We asked if we could share a message, and they said yes. We walked in and I give my lit spill of Haiti creole that I know. They were all interested to hear. Patrick stood up and translated for while I bared testimony of Jesus Christ and we can see our loved ones again. The holy ghost was very strong as they listened to the eternal truths. I'm so greatful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and how it bless our family for the eternitys. I am also great for the atomement of Jesus and the great love he showed us. I bare my testimony that Jesus Lives. He's the head of this church, and their is joy in his gospel as we endure to the end. In the name of Jesus Christ amen. 

3 Nephi 15:9 Behold, I am the law, and the light. Look unto me, and endure to the end, and ye shall live; for unto him that endureth to the end will I give eternal life

D&C 101:36 Wherefore, fear not even unto death; for in this world your joy is not full, but in me your joy is full.

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