Mesquite Nevada Stakes
Sister Emily Leavitt
Hello everyone!
We had a crazy couple of weeks here in Saline. Friday we got a call from our president that they were moving one of my companions to Troy because of a big complicated situation I wont explain. She just unpacked from a crazy transfer white washing and now she has to leave. We were all pretty sad about it. So we drove up on Saturday to drop her off and it turns out we got a companion coming to us..president didnt tell us about😅 Sister Griffin is our new companion and she is flying out to England in a few weeks so we are going to be in quarantine just to make sure she doesnt take covid with her.
Also on friday, we got news that one of our friends that we were teaching passed away. It was a big shock to us. We knew he was in the hospital and we had prayed with him over the phone a few days before but he had texted us less than 24 hours of him passing away. If you could keep Bonnie and her family in your prayers I would really appreciate it.
We had some pretty big lows this week but we also saw some miracles. We put up flyers offering prayers or uplifting messages and we got a call from one of them! Her name is Lisa and she is so sweet. She is going through a hard time losing a friend so we have been praying with her over the phone and we started teaching her!
We also got in contact with a guy names Patrick and had a lesson with him yesterday and the spirit was so strong! He already really connects with The Book if Mormon and is excited to learn about it! We are having another lesson tonight!
Also, a member in our ward heard we were in quarantine so she sent out an email so many members have reached out offering to feed us! This ward is so kind! Members underestimate how much meals and just letting us call them really mean to us Missionaries! They discourage us going to the store in quarantine so it will help so much.
As hard as it is to adjust to all the changes, to stay inside, to lose friends we love or to see them struggle, it is worth it. The overwhelming feeling of love and peace that comes after feeling the spirit in a lesson and seeing people change and accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the happiest I have ever been.
I hope you are all getting excited for General Conference! It's the perfect opportunity to invite friends to come and see!
I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Sister Leavitt