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Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Sister Abbie Wilson


*My Pday is on Friday so that is why I am sending this so late!!!*

Hey guys how are you!?!?! How has your week been? We have had a ton of snow over here in Massachusetts, and I am not happy about it haha.

Monday we went grocery shopping and spent the rest of our money haha. The rest of the day we talked to our family and friends which brings me so much JOY! They are the reason I continue to stay out here.

Tuesday we had exchanges with the STL's in Springfield which was so much fun but also kind of scary. I was with Sister Finch who is my grandma in the mission!(She trained Sister Moreau!!) So the whole day we were reminiscing about Montpelier! As we were knocking we had to press these  buzzers to get in. Well one of the doors we knocked was opened for us. There were a ton of people sitting on the stairs crying, since her mom had just died. Like right then. It was crazy  and so sad. And after we had a little discussion, we decided to leave to let them all grieve. We continued knocking doors, and then saw the morgue show up to get her mom. We sat and watched as they took her mom away. I felt horrible. As we were knocking in the same complex we found a lady who let us in (which is rare). She had 13 birds as pets that were flying around her house haha. She also let us hold the birds which was so cool.

Wednesday Sister Finch, and I had a great lesson with her friend Richard. We were talking about the temple, and the covenants you make after baptism! His story about how he found the church was so cool. Later that day I got to go back with Sister Hardcastle!! AND GUESS WHAT WE DID..... we drove to Connecticut to go get RAISING CANES!!! I was pumped man. So now I can check that state off my list. Anyways it was a blast and I haven't had Canes in months so it was a GREAT DAY!!!

Thursday was a cold day. But before we went out into the cold we helped a member make some cake pops. It was so much fun!! They were for a baby shower that they were having later that night, so we made sure they looked really good. After we finished the cake pops we had to go out which was really sad haha. Out here the coldest day is the day before the storm. So we were literally freezing our butts off haha. As we were going to referrals houses and knocking we found this guy name Frandtzy. He is literally so cool. He speaks Haitian Creole which kind of sucks for us because we don't speak that language haha. Later  that night we went to the baby shower and decided to try the cake pops. And lets just say they were literally amazing!

Friday we had our last district council which was so sad. I'm going to miss my friends. We all just had so much fun together. Something good that came out of that day was Sister Hardcastle made us some of the best chicken tacos we have ever eaten. Everything was gone after 20 minutes. It was so good!! Later that night we had a lesson with our friend Carmen and she is the sweetest thing ever. Everytime we go over she offers me a Coke, and I can't say no haha. It is just so much fun.

Saturday we had our usual lesson at Giovanni's house. It was a lot of fun because we got to talk more about his baptism. The problem was that the bishopric had let us know that they were going to cancel church since it was predicted to have a foot of snow. We hoped and prayed that it wouldn't be canceled since he was so excited. After the lesson we went finding and I decided to roll in the snow haha. It probably wasn't super smart to do, but it was a good time.

Sunday morning we got a text that church was canceled. We were literally so sad. And guess what... it didn't even snow the amount they said it was going too. It snowed about 6 inches. We were so annoyed  but we decided to go finding anyways haha. Later that night we found out the Branch President of our YSA passed away. It was so sad. He was such a cool guy, who was a friend to everyone. So please keep his wife Cheryl in your prayers. She will need it during this hard time.


Be grateful for everything, follow the first prompting, pay attention to the little things, pray always, and remember HE loves you and remember to love each other!!




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