Mesquite Nevada Stakes
Sister Dantzel Park
We Went Hunting
Buenos Días cómo están? This week has been a blur for sure! We had so many things happening and lots of Christmas miracles. You are all probably wondering, how can she have possibly seen more miracles? She talks about this every week! I can say that I know these miracles are happening every day in your life too. When we place our trust in the Lord, and get out of our comfort zone we become better versions of ourselves and can see the changes more easily in our lives. If we pray to have our eyes opened and act on our spiritual promptings it's almost as if the miracles are falling from the sky :)
Okay sorry I get sidetracked on deep spiritual topics sometimes… its my life right now and I absolutely love it <3 Time for the part you actually wanted to read… Peruvian Christmas traditions and other interesting things Hermana Park did this week or in other words
× Christmas cookies! Pday we decided to make Christmas cookies and it was so fun :) we listened to Christmas music, baked cookies, and relaxed…
× Ice cream on the pier with sea-lions yeah that is about it for this point… and yes we didn't want to be on a two hour bus ride to Moquea… so we did this instead :)
×Christmas eve/ Noche Buena! This was so awesome because I learned that Noche Buena is more important than Christmas day. They basically do everything for new years on Christmas eve but it feels like the 4th of July because it's summer here haha! So cool to watch the sky explode at midnight! Plus Ciudad Nueva has the best seats in the house because its on the edge and we saw everything blow up!
× I suck at Bingo… that's all I need to say about that. If you want to know more shoot me an email haha!
× Christmas eve we sang in the Plaza de Armas and handed out light world balloons to little kids. It was so fun to share the light of Christ through song and balloons :) Even if my voice was dying by the end of 3 hours.
×Christmas day #NormalDayOfFinding
#ElLibroDeMormón #ChristmasMiracles #FullSend #HappyLlama
× Christmas day my comp and I had the best idea and bought wrapping paper and wrapped 5 Book of Mormons to hand to people. We found a lot of miracles by doing this! Totally recommend :)
×I ate 200 grams of chocolate covered nuts in one day… yes I know I couldn't help it they were just too good.
×I am now excited to start learning the Traditions for new years, however I will not be sitting under the table this year eating twelve grapes. I know that much! Maybe next year…
× Surprise we went to Tacna again :) Also I am no longer illegal. I have my paperwork completed!
×On the 3 hour bus ride to Tacna we messaged over 80 people… We made a game out of it and it was very entertaining haha! AND… we had 5 people respond :) I count that as a win.
× There was something wrong with the mosquitos here this week… They were sooooo bad even with us breathing more bug spray than air. We are still finding bug bites… everywhere :/
× click the link to find out what it is… :)
Spiritual Thought
Look through the window… What do you see? Are you looking clearly? Can you see what is outside? Is there something blocking your view? For me the window means more. Pretend you are that window. You let light shine through you, lighting the room. The people can look through you and see what's outside. Does it need cleaning? So does mine. We are all a little dirty but not for long, this Sunday we clean our glass with the saving power of the atonement of Jesus Christ through the Sacrament. But no matter how dirty we are we can still let the light of Christ shine through us.
Love you all lots and hope you have a happy new year! I'll update you on the traditions next week <3
Hermana Park