Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Elder Drake Wakefield
Pagi yall, got some transfer news and I am finally moving cities🙏🙏I'm going to Bogor😁😁it has bikes and it's colder and it has mountains I can climb, that's all I need to know. District leader while training again, training arc pt.2
But this weeks been great, kinda been anticipating transfer news a lot cause I knew it was coming. But we were able to work hard and go to lots of janjis. Really have grown my love of the people in Indonesia by meeting with the members here. They are so awesome and fun, definitely one of my favorite parts here.
Went to this LOADED family's house. Rich in like they had a pool with dolphin statues over it. There was a big Chinese New Year party there and after we ate, Brother Leo took us to his gym room, he had a whole Smith Machine and he let us bench🙏🙏
He whipped out his golf clubs too, hit a couple nice putts, he asked "when's your p-day?" Told him I'm moving cities, he said "if you go to Bogor or Bekasi, you have my number". A wise man once said, "let's go golfing"
Buy one get one for Chinese New Years was fire
Mixue is always fire for WPS (Boba sundae 🔛🔝)
First shoutout to the Aston family, @mymom too cause they made their version of tacos in a bag, it was epic
Some great indo food too, I actually enjoy it now that it doesn't give me the runs (no pics cause I forgot)
Now that 6 months have passed and I'm moving cities, it feels like a new phase is starting, and it makes me excited to see what I can do even better in this new phase, how I can give my will even more to God
Romans 12:1-2
1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
This sums up my my mission, but more than that too. Because of the mercies of God, I am able to present my body for not just two years, but my mortal time on earth to God. That's my reasonable service to Him. A limited mortal experience for an eternal one. The mortal experience however, is where we are transformed. “No, we are not earning heaven. We are learning heaven" (Elder Wilcox, His Grace is Sufficient. BYU Speech). I gotchu Mrs. Quinn for in text citation🙏 This is our time to learn Heaven. We know no unclean thing can enter into the Kingdom of God, so all we can do is give our will to God, and know that His grace is sufficient -Elder Wakefield
Brother Liliek
Cool guy we met on the bus, bros gonna become a missionary too super sick
that gas station is where the temples gonna be😁 (if they can actually build it bro)