Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Sister Emily Leavitt
Hi Everyone!
This past month has been good! We finished our month of May goal to lose 500lb, sadly we didn't make it😅we lost about 470lb.BUT we did meet our goal to get 500 new people to church so that was good! This week was exciting, after two months of not being able to get any fast food, our president said we could again! We have also been getting a lot of new missionaries that are being reassigned from out of states! We got two new elders in our district so now it is 8 elders and us two sisters! We are a little out numbered.. Elyria, my last area got a new sister and they came to get some stuff from us last night! The new sister told us about what it was like to go home for two months and that would be so hard! But we are excited to have all these new missionaries! Sister Tanner and I really hope we get another sister soon!
A few of our people are progressing really well! We had a lot of powerful lessons this week! We have developed a good relationship with Brad! Him and his fiance invited us to go get ice cream with them and their baby the other night and we had to say no because of quarantine. We were so sad! It would have been a great opportunity to get to know his fiance because we have been trying to get her to join our calls! And their baby is so cute!! Not to mention Mitchels ice cream is the best! We were talking to Brad's relative in the ward who referred him to us about their invite and they were so surprised because apparently she doesn't open up to many people or let people around her baby!! It is extremely frustrating to miss out on opportunities to meet and teach people in person but we are still excited they are comfortable with us enough to invite us!
Yesterday we finally got a lesson with Juan!! Each time we teach him he always has good questions and we can tell he has a real desire to learn but he is really hard to get in contact with because he is so busy! We did get to commit him to read a verse every day that we send him so email me your favorite scriptures! He really want to know the Book of Mormon is true!
The weather has been really nice out here! Sister Tanner and I are out side every day and we have found some really beautiful parks and the other day we went to a Botanical garden! Probably one of the most beautiful places I've ever been! This one guy spent 60+ years creating 6acres of this garden!! We also went to Cleveland a few p-day ago and saw the Rock n Roll hall of fame...but couldn't go day!!!
We finally got Dylan to sign his baptism record so he can be an official member! He has been working a ton! Poor guys between being a single parent with his kids on the weekend and work all week he has no time so we haven't been able to talk to him much.
It is a continuing struggle to find people in quarantine but we are so grateful for the people we get to teach! It is easy to ask when this is gonna end, especially when we see everything opening up but Elder Christofferson spoke to us a few weeks ago and one the main topics was stop asking when and ask what! What can we do to keep the work going! What do we need to learn! This whole thing has taught me a lot about patience!! I'm so grateful I get to be a missionary at this time!!
Thank you for all your love and support I hope you all have a good week!
Sister Leavitt