Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Sister Jamie Bundy
Quarantine Week 22: Last one
Well hello. I can't believe it. This is MY LAST weekly email. This last week was the week of lasts. I had my last District Council, my last service project, my last Zone Conference, my last correlation, my last weekly planning, my last sacrament meeting, and today is my last PDay. I had my departing interview and I gave my departing testimony. And throughout it all I have had so many sweet moments that have brought me some closure, which is something that is really important to me. I've been asked numerous times questions like the following: "What's the biggest thing you've learned from your mission?" "Whats the biggest piece of advice you would give?" "What are some of the best experiences you've had?" "Whats the first thing you'll do when you get home?" "What are your plans for when you get home?" HAHAHAHA WHAT? I think it was just yesterday that I was telling people that I was still just a baby missionary and only a couple months out. Lol turns out that it was actually last year. I can't believe its all coming to an end. The time I have left to proselyte is LIMITED. I am seriously just down to hours now and every time I think about it, it makes me a little anxious hahaha. There really will be so many things I will miss about serving a mission and being a missionary. I truly have gained so much from this time and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I am so grateful for everything I have been able to gain because of it. I am excited to come home though. Even though it does make me sad to think that its almost over, it also just feels right. I feel ready. Don't know if I'll be saying the same when I'm boarding the lane lol. President Dunnigan gave me a promise about 14 months ago that leaving the mission would rip my heart out....I have yet to feel that so I'm sure there will be more emotions to come hahaha.
But anyways I guess I can give you some updates on how my week actually went. It was a really good one to end on. We were VERY busy and it was honestly the best thing ever.
On Tuesday I had my last district council. This last district I've served in has been a good one and I've been so blessed to be a part of it. They are all great missionaries and I've had a lot of fun with them. I will miss them.
On Wednesday we did some service pulling weeds. It felt pretty good to DO something for once hahaha. I got all sweaty and dirty and even got scratched up. Twas the best. The best part though was when the service coordinator couple were so proud of us and sent the picture we took to President Dunnigan hahahahaha we got rebuked for not wearing masks and because we had more than two companionships there lol. I would say that I felt bad and that I apologized and all that, but then I would be lying to you haha. So yes that's the most rebellious I have gotten on my mission.
On Thursday we had a mission tour with Elder and Sister Basset and we had a Zone Conference with them. It was really good and I really enjoyed it. I also had been informed earlier in the transfer that I would be giving my departing testimony at this Zone Conference. So the whole time I was just anxiously waiting for when they would announce for me to go. But then they didn't hahaha. So I was pretty convinced they had either forgotten about me or didn't actually wanna hear my testimony lol. I honestly would not have been surprised for either one of those.
On Friday we did some service for the last time at the Food Bank of Delaware and it was really good. I've been goin to that place for a long time so it felt kind of weird knowing that I probably would never see it again. We also had our VERY FIRST, I N P E R S O N N O N M E M B E R lesson on Friday with this SUPER sweet lady named Rosemary! It was amazing! It seriously felt so good to have an in person nonmember lesson. And it was so good for me to be a part of Sister Kent's experience with it as well. It was awesome. She was happy to receive a Book of Mormon and we....well...the other sisters, look forward to meeting with her again and I look forward to hearing about it and eventually attending her baptism.
On Saturday I had my departing interview! It was good. YES! President Dunnigan did talk to me about marriage hahaha, which I had no problem with. It was good though. Glad to be ending on a good note.
On Sunday I gave a talk in our Zone Church service where I spoke about some different experiences from my mission and then I also finally gave my departing testimony at mission devotional haha. I lucked out though because instead of only doing it in front of my Zone I got to give it in front of my whole mission hahahah just kidding I don't think that was luck because I was dang nervous and didn't know what I was gunna say. But just Heavenly Father always does, He helped me out and gave me the words to say.
Well ya'll I think that about wraps it up. Thank you all so much for the love and support you have given me. I can't believe I've made it and I can't believe who I've become because of it. I am changed forever and I'm so grateful because of it.
Love, Sister JAMIE Bundy