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Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Sister Jasmine Bundy

Dignity? No.

Good morning everyone! I have to tell you about my nightmare.

My nightmare was this: I got reassigned to serve in England. Everyone had teeth and there was no 40 foot crosses on the side of the highway. It was awful.

But anyways, let's get on with it. I'm here for a good time, not for a long time.

First, let's talk about Jews.

We were knocking on doors when this seemingly harmless old man (dennis) opened his door and started talking with us. He asked us what the doctrine of Christ was (oh boy!) So I said FaithRepentanceBaptismTheGiftofTheHolyGhostandEnduringtotheEnd!

And he said: no 🙂‍↔️

And I said: ...yes 🙂‍↕️

Dennis then got real heated and started screaming in my face about jews and gentiles. Someone come get their grandpa.

If you aren't humble enough to listen, you aren't humble enough to learn, so we started walking across his deck to leave and my angry oldie, Dennis, followed me screaming. It seemed like he was going to bite the back of my head or something.The light of Christ in Dennis was on vacation that day.

As we walked across his lawn, Dennis leaned over his deck and yelled "THE BIBLE WAS WRITTEN BY JEWS, THE BIBLE WAS WRITTEN BY JEWS😫" the whole way back to the car, so we keeled over on his lawn and started writhin and wrigglin as if we'd been struck dumb by this profound statement.

Just jesting... 👀

Other than Dennis, we've been teaching two homeless felons: brad and Kyle. They're living at the quality in and so we've been teaching them in the lobby.

So one evening we sit down to teach them about the plan of salvation, Bradley has to leave because he has work. So it's just Kyle. Throughout the lesson, Kyle keeps getting various phone calls, but quickly hangs up and goes back to listening. Halfway through the lesson, bradley runs in the lobby, sits down and says "I lied to my boss so I could be here!" And grins so wide 😃 We were a little speechless, but moved on.

We were at the conclusion of this lesson, teaching about the Atonement of Jesus Christ, when we asked Kyle to read 2 verses about Christ sacrificing His life for us. Kyle is faithfully reading the verses when his phone goes off, full blast, of the most ridiculous heavy metal music you've ever heard. Kyle continues reading with the heavy metal as his background. He finally finishes the verse, picks up the phone, and answers it with "Oh hey Grandma!!"

I couldn't help it, I burst laughing so I grabbed my Book of Mormon, hid my face and was shaking with laughter. Kyle has hung up the phone at this point, and they  both wait for me to continue the lesson, but I was physically unable. Sister Lancaster eventually stepped up to the plate and continued teaching, I recovered and we invited Bradley to close with a prayer.

Bradley starts praying and this is his prayer dialogue:

"Sorry for lying to my boss.. she's a stupid athiest and she never let's anyone worship but herself and so that's why I had to lie to her, because she's an idiot, and I hate her. But I'm sorry, I hope my athiest boss let's me go to church on sunday."

Dignity flew out the window, I was wheeze laughing during that prayer. Someone send me home.

But anyways, it's been a good week. Lots of teaching which is always the funnest. I hope you all are happy and healthy, I miss yous.

For a quick Spirit Thought:

#1 What does a converted soul naturally do? I've just been thinking about that question.

#2 Repentance is mercy. The great Christian lie is that once we are saved, we're good. No repentance necessary. So people continue to wallow in their sin, excusing themselves, and continue to live miserably. What did they get saved from? Certainly not their sin, they're still suffering in it!

This is why repentance IS the mercy of Christ. Repentance is change, through the enabling power of the Atonement, we have help from our Savior to remove us from our sin.

I do not believe in a God who would allow me to sit in my sin. I believe in a God who sent His Only Begotten, who loves me enough to ask me to improve, who gave His life that He might provide a way for me to do that.

This is a reminder to use repentance for your joy today. Don't wallow in your misery, your Father loves you more than that.

- sincerely, Sister



"Everything always leads back to oliver cowdery"- Sister Fraser

"I've seen Chinese people with eyes wider than you" - Steve (Steve is not a stellar example of dignity either)

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