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Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Sister Jerusha Bundy

Morning run finding

Hey fans 

This week was absolutely solid. Every week is but this one was just so good, and ill tell you why....

Our friends are progressing! Ill tell you about each one and how much they mean to me, but im going to change their names on here to protect their privacy

1. Peggy, peggy is so cool, shes literally a genius, shes been taught by missionaries for a loooong time, shes very logical and sees things from a very literal perspective, when we taught the word of wisdom it was super cool because in doctrine and covenants 89 it promises that if we follow the word of wisdom we will have health in our navel and marrow to our bones. The revelation was given to Jospeh Smith in 1833. When we read it together she mentioned how back then, He wouldnt have known that your bone marrow is attributed to your health because they wouldnt have had the medical equipment or knowledge to know that... peggy is studying biology in college and is seriously so knowledgeable. It was cool to see her gain a testimony of the word of wisdom from a logical point of view! Anyways we've been working with her and invited her to be baptized last night! We told her that we know she is ready and she was so happy to hear that! She is praying about the date May 25th please pray that patty will recieve a witness from the spirit that that day is right. 

2. Mandeep! Mandeep comes from a sikh religion background in India, as weve taught him, weve gone sooo simply. We invited him to be baptized a few weeks ago, he wants to be baptized but didnt want to set a date, sunday night we invited him again and asked him what was holding him back he said "honeslty nothing" so we invited him to be baptized on June 1st! Please pray for mandeep! 

3. Nayeli... nayeli is my soul sister i swear, she is from india as well and grew up with a christian background, she was baptized in india and thats been something weve been trying to work through, in her culture it is a bad omen to be baptized again and so weve been trying to teach the correct doctrine so that she can understand why it needs to happen again. But nayeli is seriously the most wonderful person ever. She is always happy and she was able to come to church this sunday and she got up in front of everyone ans bore her testimony! She Also joined one of our lessons with peggy and bore her testimony of the Book of Mormon. She is seriously the most prepared person ive ever met. I love her to death and am going to cry big tears if president gill transfers me out of here because i want to help nayeli SO BAD. please pray for nayeli! 

We are teaching a few more elect people right now and i just love them so much, ive also grown to love the YSA here. It was a weird adjustment at first but now they are all my family. We have transfers this week, please pray i get to stay here and finish out my mission in this area! 

We had interviews with president Gill and it was really good, there was a lot of questions i needed answers to from God, why would God send down an angel when He knew id be meeting with president Gill soon? God puts people in our life to help us and your bishops, your mission president and people who hold those keys can recieve revelation for you. I guess i experienced that this week. 

The title of the email is because of this: one morning sister ahlstrom and i decided to go on a long run...okay it wasnt that long, probably about 3km... but i felt like we needed ro bring a book of Mormon with us.... so we each grabbed one, i had one in english and she carried one in hindi. We probably looked insane but youll never guess what happened, we were running and came across a lady going to work. We stoped and talked to her, we were kind of out of breath so it was a little difficult, but we told her about the book of Mormon and she was super excited to read it and come to church! 


President gill puts me with the most patient people because He knows theyd have to be patient to deal with me. I feel so grateful to be her comp, she carries the spirit with her and is always down for my crazy ideas, shes also such a good listener.

Last p day all us sisters were sitting on a dock at a lake, this lady walks by so we start to talk to her... at first she seemed really mad and i thoight she was going to push us all in the lake (which i wouldnt have been mad about) but then we just sat and listened to her rant and literally didnt say anything, eventually she broke down in tears and sat down with us, she doesnt know where God is but wants to, we had a good chat with her. I learned that although people may seem angry or upset, they just need soemone to listen and love them anyways. 

We also went to the temple day, such a special place. The presence of God is there 

Anyways ill stop talking now, i love you all, send me an email! 

Sister Bundy 

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