Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Sister Jerusha Bundy
Hey fans, I hope you all are doing well and have been reading your scriptures lately.
This week was so good, i dont remember anything we did but ill try to recall.
So tuesday we went to some sunflower fields and it was so fun! The sunflowers were very pretty and i picked some
We also went berry picking and i loved it so much that ive decided im going to have my own berry farm on day, they are just too good. I really just felt peace as i picked the raspberries because raspberries are my favorite food and i just got to eat as much as i wanted. I felt like i was dreaming so one day, ill have a berry farm and itl be called "bundy's berry's" you all are welcome to come and check it out once its finished.
Manjeet is doing SOOOOO WELLL, he loves having the Holy Ghost with Him and loves sharing the gospel. Hes such a good example to the members of the branch and im just so proud of him!
Update on the machete: it is taken care of, I journeyed into the wilderness and it is in a very secret and special place.
We also had MLC and it was so great i love seeing all the missionaries and learning from them and i always leave being slightly chastened by the spirit buy so motivated at the same time! Something l learned was to ALWAYS KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD AND HE WILL BLESS YOU NO MATTER WHAT
Anyways, im gonna cry a lot when i have to leave. 18 months wasnt long enough
I know that the Gospel is true and I know that Jesus Christ lives!
I love you all!