Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Sister Jordan Memmott
Forever grateful🤍🤍
Hi y'all! This is it! My last email on my mission! I can hardly even believe how fast these last 18 months have gone! Some of the best times of my life and I wouldn't change it for the world!💌🫶🏼
I had the best last week and we saw so many miracles every single day!!
- had my departing interview with President John and it was so so good! He has been the best of the best and I've learned so much from him! #blessed
- we got stuck at this apartment complex because of a little fiasco with this guy! There were about 15 cops cars surrounding the building and we couldn't leave. Everyone was out watching and trying to figure out what was happening! But hey during all of it we talked to so many people and even found a member who hasn't been to church in a couple of years!
- I got to see a lot of my old comps and had to say goodbye for now😢 love them so much
- we had 5 of our friends come to church!!! What a miracle. They all loved it and will hopefully come back again:)
- everytime we went to visit someone yesterday they were either not home or busy but everytime we found another person who wanted to learn more and meet with us! So it all worked out and we were definitely led where we needed to be for a reason!
I just love my Savior! There aren't enough words to express how grateful I am for Him!! I'll forever be grateful for my mission! I love all the people I've met in Texas and they've changed my life in so many ways! There's so much joy that comes from living the gospel! Just know that God is good all of the time and that he loves you💟
I'll see you guys soon! My homecoming will be this Sunday! Let me know if you want the info;)
Sister Memmott🩷🩷