Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Sister Kaylee Sonnenberg
9 meses en Carolina del norte!!
Una parte de mi corazón esta aqui para siempre
Sé que la verdadera iglesia ha sido restaurada en la tierra otra vez y estoy muy agradecida por este tiempo que tenga para ayudar a otros a encontrar y experimentar este mismo gozo y paz que he sentido a través de Jesucristo!
I know that the church of Jesus christ has been restored on the earth again and I am forever grateful for this time I have to help others find & experience the same joy and peace that I have felt through Jesus Christ!
9 months in North Carolina!!A part of my heart is here forever
I know the true church has been restored on earth again and I am so thankful for this time I have to help others find and experience this same joy and peace I have felt through Jesus Christ!I know that the church of Jesus christ has been restored on the earth again and I am forever grateful for this time I have to help others find & experience the same joy and peace that I have felt through Jesus Christ!