Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Sister Kylie Cannon
I’m Home
Hey everybody it's been a couple weeks. I didn't think I would write another weekly email. But might as well end one with a bang right?!
so guess whatttttt... I finished the "last lap" of my mission pretty quick. 6 weeks early. You didn't know I was so fast huh ;).Here is the low down. My pops decided to finish his "race" of life quicker than we all thought too. My dad gave his whole heart to my family and I. He worked his tail off to support us and teach us how to work hard. March 8th 2021 we finished his time here on earth and i'm sure he ran right into the embrace of his momma on the other side of the veil. My dad got really sick the past month and it was his time to go. Let me tell ya I LOVE MY DAD! I also love my heavenly father who sent me to my mom and dad. I am grateful for Jesus Christ. Because of his life, death and resurrection I know I can see my dad again. You can if you have lost a loved one.
I LOVED MY MISSION. I HAVE LOVED MY COMPANIONS AND MISSION PRESIDENTS. It has been the greatest learning experience of my life so far. I have met lovely people and have made some lasting friendships. I have witnessed the power that comes into people's lives as they love and serve God with their whole might, mind and strength. I know the Book of Mormon is the Word of God. I know God lives. I know angels are real. I know life is hard but our burdens can be made lighter as we turn to Him who knows all. I am grateful for the time I have had to be a representative of Jesus Christ and teach others about His gospel in the Perth Australia mission and the Tempe Arizona Mission.
A pic of my family and I at the funeral. They are some good looking people whooyee.
I love yall. Hope yall are well. God Loves You.
Kylie Cannon