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Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Sister Kylie Cannon



We were blessed to eat good food with good company this week.

The Hughes are the cutest couple. They made the best homemade meal and kept me laughing the whole time. At one point I had to eat more so I wouldn't laugh..

They are in the second picture.

We volunteered at the food bank again. It is always something to look forward to. Such nice people!

We met a couple of people at a apartment complex and one of them was telling us how she would go to seminary in high school with her friend. Hope something happens with her!

Met with some awesome members this week. The first pic is of Caden. He's 13 and we do weekly zoom calls with him.

The last picture is of us and the Boyers. They had us over for dinner Sunday and Gorditioed me up. Well I did that to myself because it tasted so good. Steak chilli and cornbread.

This week I've been studying spiritual gifts. We all have gifts. And if we want another gift we can work to develop it. How cool! My mom has the gift of faith.

I apologize for the times I have represented my calling as the Lords representative poorly. I know that I affect the reputation of the church. I know the Savior lives. I know his gospel changes lives. And anyone can change for the better. Love yall. Sister Cannon

New life motto below!

Along with Helman 12:23 ❤

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