Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Sister Laren Leavitt
Welcome August,
Oh my goodness time is going by so quickly! Maryland is awesome! I didn't send out a group email last week sorry, was crazy busy. So a little bit of last week story. Had a long day waiting at the airport, arrived to DC at 2 in the morning, met my mission President and his family, got my trainer (who is seriously the BEST), met the YSA!! Seriously so much has happened.
I LOVE THE WORK!!!! So to start off with a funny story.... so being a new missionary and all I thought I would be helpful and clean and do the dishes. Lol my comp. said that for the dish washer we dont use dishwasher soap (because we are cheap) we just use the regular dish soap. Ahh so I start it.... and maybe put a little to much in. A mess everywhere. Water and soap all over the floor! Oh it was so funny! I hope you can see the video! (Kinda dumb, but missionary humor is real)
So yesterday was fast Sunday and holy cow FASTING WORKS!! The coolest miracle happened. My companion, Sister Harris, and I started our fast Saturday afternoon right after lunch (so about 2). we were in the car and began our companion fast, fasting that we may find a new friend to teach. NOT THREE MINUTES LATER, we get out of the car, walk across the street and run into this awesome guy. His name is Giles and he is 6'7, playing college basketball. We get talking to him and he so goofy and nice AND totally interested in the message we share. We invited him to church and he accepted!! He comes to church and we give him a heads up of what is going to happen today, he is taking everything in like a champ. We introduce him to a few of the members and just clicks with everyone. He kept saying 'this feels like home', he even got up in sacrament meeting and bore his testimony saying that he know meeting Sister Harris and I will change his life for the better! Seriously GOD IS REAL and THIS IS THE TRUE CHURCH!! So pumped to teach him and show him that this message will change his life forever!
Also this week, I began to reread the Book of Mormon and was in 1 Nephi chapter 3. (For those who don't know)This is when Nephi and his brothers go back to Jerusalem to get the plates or family genealogy, from Laban... anyway I thought of how Nephi made God his partner and put his trust in Him. That if Nephi had failed to get the plates, it meant God had failed. And because God does not fail, Nephi didn't. I know if we have Him as our partner than we will never fail! Trust in him, he knows our plan and he knows what will be best for us!!
I love you all! Hope you have a great week!
Love Sister Leavitt
Update on the Temple: got word that the re-dedication is back on schedule and Salt Lake will be releasing a date soon!!!