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Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Sister Lauren Leavitt

I have no way to truly express my love and gratitude I have for my mission. But for my last week I wanted to share my testimony. These past 18 months are times that I will cherish forever. I know that God is in the details of our lives. He is so real and so aware of each of us. I am grateful to know that I know I have loving Heavenly parents. And that they are constantly watching over me and blessing me for my efforts. I know the gospel is true. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I've found peace within the pages and love for those who have have sacrificed much so that I can have the knowledge and another witness of my Savior. I love the Book of Mormon and the lessons it contains. I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. He restored the church again on the earth so that you and I can receive blessings of eternal families, personal revelation, and a personal relationship with our Heavenly Parents and our Savior Jesus Christ. (The list goes on)

I know my Savior. Yes, period. I know my Savior! This is my biggest testimony and witness. I KNOW HIM! I know Jesus Christ because of the most difficult times on my mission. I know him because of the people he has placed in my life to be his hands. I know him because of His atonement. He did it for me. He did it for you. I know because I've felt it. I know because I've seen it. Throughout my life, He is there in the details. I know Him and I love Him. He is real. He is there. He lives.

I know this is short and my testimony is much greater than these few words but I wanted to share something before I return home. I love each of you! And I love this gospel and the experiences I've had on my mission. I hate saying goodbye to people and a place that has taught me so much. I love it here because I have grown to know my Father in Heaven and my Savior.

I'm excited to see all of you soon! Thank you! I love you!

One last time,

Sister Leavitt♡

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