Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Sister Marian Leavitt
yay bishop leavitt! 🤭
Its been so sad going to english classes knowing i only get a few more left 😪 i LOVE all the ladies we get to teach. Theyre all older and they say the FUNNIEST THINGS! we were talking about weddings and celebrations and americans DO NOT know how to party...iranians know how to party!
We were bombarded with Afghani food this week and i am not complaining... we were about to get on branch council and one of the friends were teaching called us and told us to come outside (we live in the same complex) so we went outside and he had a HUGE tray of food from a party he had just gotten back from and it was SO YUM! His story is such a miracle! We were walking around our complex trying to find a referral and we started talking to him and he told us he has really been wanting to go to church. He does speak persian but he doesnt want to go to that branch because he was a very big politician and everyone will know him and not like him... so he has been progressing in English, reading the Book of Mormon everyday, and will call and pray with us! He's so cool!
We are still preparing Somy for baptism this week and she told us about how shes been in contact with her friend from the Philippines who is a jehovah whitness and he has been trying to get his "missionaries" to her house but she declined all the calls because she said "thats not the true church. That's just God testing me to make sure I will make the right choice." YES SOMY!! We are so proud of her! She has had so many trials but she has the strongest testimony of any of my friends that i've taught!
This week was ZOCO!!! best day of the transfer lol. This mission is just the best! Pres and sister MacPherson talk a lot about dreams and visions! EVERYTHING in our life starts with a vision. One thing he said that stuck with me "WORK as if everything depends on YOU
PRAY as if everything depends on GOD" i loved that! I have the BEST mission leaders!! After every talk sister MacPherson gives, pres gets up and just ADORES her, talks about how amazing she is and she is just the light of his life! Between pres and my dad, my standards are through the roof!
SHOUTOUT TO MY DAD...aka BISHOP LEAVITT! he told me that he was the new bishop last week and i SCRAME! I am so excited for him. I cant think of anyone more perfect. He has been an amazing example of a Chrsitlike leader and has played such a huge role in me coming on a mission! As a missionary I've noticed the bishops play such a big role in missionary work which ive never really paid attention to and soon my dad will be helping with the bunkerville 2nd ward missionaries and 3 of his kids as missionaries! I'm so excited! He is just THE BEST!! I LOVE YOU DAD 😆❤️
This week i listened to a talk that literally made me cry!! It was so good! 2 of my favorite things he said was "Our determination to center our lives on Christ, therefore, must be consistent—not conditional" "Discipleship is not cheap, because the companionship of the Holy Ghost is priceless." I love this!! The most important thing we have in this world is our testimonies and in the world today its not easy to keep them strong but good thing we have the savior on our side!!!
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