Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Sister Marian Leavitt
My bishop is the coolest person I know!!
I know i say this every week but this week went by SO FAST! we were so busy! Splitting english ward and persian branch we barely have any time to actually plan in our day. We have been bombarded with lessons which is an amazing problem to have! Teaching the persian people has been the best experience! Their history is SO INTERESTING! our rules are we cant baptize perisans who arent citizens or if they have family back in iran/ Afghanistan because their families will be killed for them coverting to Christianity. Its so sad but those who are baptized have such amazing faith and they all remind me that my trials arent that bad. Most are very scared to be baptized because if they ever go back to their country they will be killed...valid!
Our Facebook work has been POPPING OFF with perisan work. We had a FULL english class this week! The lady i worked with is 7 months pregnant and she asked ME to name her baby! I felt so honored hahah! Shes so young and sweet. Shes technically the elders friend but she wants us to come around more often so she can teach us how to cook like a persian... poor elders, we take every woman from them haha!
Some highlights from this week!
- one of our favorite members sister kerby took us to CHEESECAKE FACTORY!! We definitely do not go hungry in this area! If you know me you know I LOVEEE cheesecake factory so that made my entire week!! At dinner she told us about our bishops job because we were very curious (hes very smart and rich as most government workers are). He used to write speeches for hilary clinton, joe biden, and obama. Then switched jobs but now hes not allowed to say what he does but he has frequent dinners at all those houses! I think its so funny because his wife is very conservative and works for the republican party but they're both so humble and supportive of each other #couplegoalsfr
- we got a persian referral for this 80yr old lady who is SO CUTE! we went to her house to visit her and she is HILARIOUS! shes very brutally honest and says things how it is. Explained how she hates the muslim religion and everything they do is wrong..slay girl! She also gave me a gift (persian people either bombard you with food or gifts) and mine was a POMEGRANATE! she gave me this class pomegranate with her beautiful calligraphy persian handwriting! How did she know they were so special to me?? God is GOOD
- There was a forcast on saturday night that we'd be getting 2in of snow on sunday so they canceled church... literally the entire state shuts down when the weather app predicts any slight bit of snow!
- it has been crazy with traffic for the Inauguration Day today. Lots of our members are going to it which is so crazy that its literally 20 minutes away from me lol. Pray for me today!!
-we helped tami move with the RS president sister holland who is a professor at georgetown and she convinced me, I'm now going there! Please start the donations hahah!
- i also got a new nickname from navid (recent convert in persian branch and also my bestie) he was lecturing me on how english names have no meaning and i made a joke said marian comes from mary, the mother of Jesus and he makes fun of me all the time for it now ans calles me "sister mother of king" and when people ask why he says that he proceeds to make fun of me for making that up hahah
SO SORRY THIS IS SOOOO LONG! but i want to share a few thoughts from my personal study this week! I have been studying a lot about Jesus Christ and why I love him and a scripture that kept coming to my mind was Matthew 11:28-30
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Christ is here to make this life easier! He's already been through your hard times and then some! LET Him give us rest!!!