Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Sister Nayel Andrade
I don't quite know what to say for an intro today but, here's the week:
- COOKIIIEEESSSSS, so many cookies. I have wanted to make cookies since getting out and every single time we met someone or visited someone my first reaction after was “We need to bring them cookies” and Sister Smith thought it was a joke, but I was serious last week. And we made cookies and delivered them in attempts to make some friends. The absolute joy this brought to my heart, I was so excited, it was great. For those of you not in the google photos, Alya(my sister) so kindly commented “Too bad it didn't work while you were in Mesquite🫡” to my cookie scheme picture, welllll didn't work as planned here either BUT then we took them to members and they loved them so I CALL IT A WIN, and this week will be the GRAND COOKIE SCHEME PT 2.
- We had dinner with the Bings and the Podeszwa families this week and both were amazing dinners.
- Spent some study time on the beach, AMAZING, the natural beauty here is 10/10.
Found the city pool, the urge I've had to just go for a long swim this past week has been crazy, mais ça va.
- Visited our friend Stephanie, she is super sweet and has a dog called Nellie.
Met the cutest dog that was called MOE. Spelled just like my Moe's name is(I asked) that was a big tender mercy.
- District Council was hilarious, Elder and Sister McPhee are the best, and Elder McPhee shared a whole list of do's and don'ts for a proper hand shake, he was passionate and we were all having a good laugh.
- Richard (our hearing impaired friend) showed me how to say the Sacrament Prayers in Sign Language at church yesterday. That was awesome!
Spiritual thought:
You guys should listen to President Holland's most recent insight on facing challenges, HE TALKS SWIMMING. The way I stood up and danced when he did, He quoted a swimmer, that said that you become a championship swimmer by KICKING EVEN WHEN YOU DONT WANT TO KICK and stroking even when you dont want to stroke. This is so incredibly true. Continuing with swimming references, when you are in the thick of winter training(its rough), oftentimes you don't see the progress, you don't see the growth, and it can be so hard to see the bigger picture. But coach sees it, and he knows you are struggling (and still throws in another 200 sprint kick😤) but he does so and continues pushing you knowing that 1) you can handle it and 2)it's helping you develop. And then soon enough championship season is around the corner and you get to taper and put on each suits and you see the growth, you see the why. The same goes for our lives with our Coach(Heavenly Father) we will have times that are hard, when we are in the thick of our training, our personal Gethsemane’s, but we can know that 1)we can handle it and 2) it's helping us develop and 3)God knows exactly where we are and has a plan. And we keep kicking, we keep stroking, we “just keep swimming” (GET IT?!?🐟) I know that God brings peace to our hearts, I know He knows where each of His children are and what we are going through, and I know He loves us eternally. KEEP SWIMMING.
“Make the sound, sizzle for me” -Sis Smith
*Sis Smith backing up very fast* *I slam my hand on the car*
"what?" -Sis Smith
"You were about to hit A TREE" -me
"NO I wasn't, where? *turns and sees the tree a foot behind the car* WHAT??? THAT CAME OUT OF NO WHERE" -Sis Smith
Anyways, Nova Scotia is amazing! I highly recommend visiting, it just steals your heart. Hope your weeks were amazing! Let me know if there's anything I can do for you or if you have any questions. Love you all dearly!
Sœur Andrade