Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Sister Resha Bunker
This is the most bittersweet email I will ever send.
For the past 18 months, I have spent every hour, day and night, laboring in the vineyard of the Lord. I've devoted all of my time, energy, might, and soul to my Savior and my God.
To say that I've seen miracles would be an understatement. No words will ever adequately describe the love I have for my mission, for this Gospel, for my brother, Christ, and for my Father in Heaven.
I want to bear pure testimony of a few of the things I have come to learn to be absolutely true throughout my mission.
First of all, I know that The Book of Mormon is true, and I LOVE this Book. I only know that The Book of Mormon is true because I took the time to study it, and then I asked God to know if it was true. I receive a reconfirmation of this every single time I read it because when I do, I feel GOOD, and good things come from Christ.
I know that in the Spring of 1820, a boy named Joseph Smith knelt in prayer, and he saw God the Father, and the Son. Joseph Smith restored the Gospel to the Earth.
This leads to my next point. I know that the Gospel truly is the good news of Jesus Christ. The Gospel is the way to have true peace and joy not only in this life, but also in the life to come.
Living the Gospel better helps us feel of the love that our Heavenly Father and our brother, Christ, have for us. Love is the essence of the gospel, that's what it is all about.
Thirdly, the scriptures use the phrase, "There never was a happier people". This phrase occurs periodically when the people are being obedient, and heeding the words of the prophet, who was teaching of Christ. I know that there never has been a happier time in my own life as this time which I have had to serve the Lord. This happiness has been because of my obedience to the Gospel, and because I have been trying my best to exemplify and embody Christ.
With that being said, none of us are, or can be perfect. BUT.... we can ALL try to be BETTER. I know it is challenging at times, but you can't grow without getting out of your comfort zone. Push yourself a little bit harder, and God will strengthen your efforts, and turn your weaknesses into strengths. I know that Heavenly Father LOVES us, and that's why He stretches us.
Lastly, I testify that Jesus is the Christ, the true Messiah, the Redeemer of the World. He is the Son of our living and loving Heavenly Father. I truly know that with faith in Christ, there is absolutely nothing we cannot accomplish.
Let Christ heal you and strengthen you. He will help you become the person God knows you can become.
I am eternally grateful for this name tag that I have gotten to wear, and I'm grateful for who Ive been able to represent. I love my God, and I love my Christ.
These have been very sacred days that I have spent on holy ground.
I say all of these things in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, our healer and our advocate, amen.
Sister Bunker
The Bayview District, plus the Zone Leaders, plus the assistants.