Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Sister Savannah Cannon
Aussie for life 🥲
G'day friends!! This is my last email 😥 My heart hurts thinking about leaving Australia and the beautiful people I've met here. But I am excited to give my family a big hug.
Last update:
》lots of lasts.. Which just broke my heart 💔
》a lot of teaching opportunites on the go this week!
》last few lessons with my best friends Raph, and Ata. I'm going to miss them! I know they will both be baptized so soon 🤟
》dinner with our new bestie, Lori! She is a BYU professor living in Aus for a bit. Been fun to teach her about the crazy australians 😜
》felt the australian ocean breeze one last time
》on P-day we last minute decided we wanted to do a little look out walk, we ended up doing like three hikes in our dresses in the heat of the day hahah it was so fun! 🌞
》met two guys on the street who told us they are in their church choir. So of course we asked them to sing us a song, and we returned the favor and sang I am a child of God for them. So fun haha I love it 😁
》last dinner appiontment with the Tahiti family. My fav people ever! One of my fav things on my mission has been being in the members homes..i will miss it
》took a crocadile tour today and they are officially my biggest nightmare. So so freaky. The words of our tour guide "you just have to be faster than your mates" But I did hold a baby crocadile today! 😅
》just want to say how grateful I am for my companion, Sister Fang. She has been a huge blessing to me and i'm going to miss her more than she knows 💖
My mission has been one of the greatest experiences of my life! When I decided to serve a mission I thought of it being a big sacrifice. I now see it as a huge blessing! I could not tell you all the things I learned, but know that they all helped me to be more aware of the love Heavenly Father has for each of His children. There were many challenges along the way, but I'm so grateful I chose to keep going and moving forward even when I didn't understand everything. I have been able to look back on experiences and see how God was helping me grow to become more like the Savior. I know God has a perfect plan for each of us, and Jesus Christ is the center of that plan. I'm so grateful to know that families can be together forever! I know Joseph Smith was a true prophet that restored the true Church of Jesus Christ back to the earth. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God. It teaches and testifies of Christ, and we can grow closer to Him as we read and strive to live by it. I know Jesus Christ lives, and His Atonement is a gift for each of us. He is my strength and I know it is through Him that we find true peace and happiness in this life. I leave these things and the last 18 months with you all in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
MY HOMECOMING IS THIS WEEK!!!! I'd love to see you there!
March 10th @ 10:30am
Address: 355 Virgin St, Bunkerville, NV 89007, United States
I love you all! Thanks for supporting me throughout my mission. I feel so blessed to know each of you. JESUS LOVES YOU!! See you soon 🥰🥰
Love, Sister Cannon