Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Sister Tara Ludvigson
WA-TAC update
Woop woop! Anotha week anotha week!
Fun finding
- We gotta stop by the Puyallup farmers market! We met this super chill bro who's been with the missionaries in his own area! He gave us some free queso de Oaxaca = yummy
- Also at the market, we ran into these sweet member gals - turns out I was with her niece at the CCM! They gave us some GF brownies and flowers! Ahhh everyone is so sweet!
- It gave me and my comp the giggles BUT we found someone to teach in Sherwin Williams Paint store hahaha shoutout Karen de Colombia 🇨🇴!
- We had 4 of our friends come to our ward party!!! Ahhhh yay!!! Keep Oriana, Miguel, Dilan, y Juan in your prayers!
- We got to help set up a surprise 25th birthday for a member! And I got to practice my Spanish with this lovely abuela that has always scared me to talk to lols, she's a sweetheart!
Spiritual Thought
I've been thinking throughout this week about the role of a father (shoutout JLud!) but more specifically within the name of God: Our Heavenly Father. In Alma 39:7, Alma chastises his son but still makes sure to tell him: "I would not dwell upon your crimes, to harrow up your soul, if it were not for your good."
Sometimes it feels like God wants so much out of us: going to church each week, having a calling, keeping the commandments, praying daily (& more specially constantly), reading the scriptures, serving others, so many things. BUT God wouldn't ask all of this of us if it wasn't for our benefit! Much like Alma getting after his son for sinning - it comes from a place of love and concern.
We learn in 2 Ne 26:24: "He doeth not anything save it be for the benefit of the world; for he loveth the world, even that he layeth down his own life that he may draw all men unto him. Wherefore, he commandeth none that they should not partake of his salvation."
God is our Father. He is always looking out for us and is always mindful of our specific situations! He is full of mercy and love, yet he still needs to guide us and direct us towards good. His rules and requests are always for our good! This week, try to paint God in a light of a geniune Father: full of love and patience and protection. Shoutout JLud again :)
Tender Mercies:
- Got to talk with a super recent RM and she served in the states so she was able to give me some good Spanish advice!
- I got to band nerd out with the Bishop's fam and with an inactive member! Sax for the win!
- Me and my comp have been getting double whammy promptings where we both feel that we need to do something and then we go and it's awesome! (Con Sandra y con a vendor)
- Hna Johnson shared a list with me from the previous mission president about life lessons and it was exactly what I needed to hear!
- We keep meeting people that actually know where Mesquite is!! (I usually say Vegas bc it's so much easier!)
I always love hearing from ya! You guys are the best!
Con todo mi corazón,
Hermana Luddie