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Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Sister Tyra Ludvigson

Bye Bye Graham

Hola hola!!

We got transfer news last night. I am officially leaving my baby area (I've spent the first 6 months of my mission here)!! Bye bye Graham. While my heart is so sad to be leaving the wonderful members and friends here, I know that the Lord's work will press on! I am headed to Silverdale, there's a spanish group up there! I'll be whitewashing in and followup training! Change is scary but so so good! I'm excited for the new growth that'll come. For all my other mission pals heading out to their new assignments, tú te puedes!!! Recuerda, ama tu compañero!!


With transfers and everything, I've been reflecting on all the many miracles I've seen here in Graham!

- 8 friends at church in 1 week! (We didnt have a single friend come the whole first transfer here)

- The Lord helped us to have 4 friends who accepted baptismal dates!

- Daniela is officially gonna get baptised next week!! 🙌 I've been able to help teach her from the beginning. Nothing beats seeing someone start to understand the gospel and the love of God.

- My spanish has improved so much since the beginning!! It definitely has a long way to go, but I can appreicate the development!

- I've had 3 different companions here and each one has taught me so much!!!

Spiritual Thought

Send me your favorite verse from the Book of Mormon!!! I'm getting really close to finishing it!!! 😆 I've recently been in 3rd Nephi about Christ's ministery in the Americas. While He's there, He blesses and passes the sacrament and invites His disciples to do the same.

3 Ne 20:8 "And he said unto them: He that eateth this bread eateth of my body to his soul; and he that drinketh of this wine drinketh of my blood to his soul; and his soul shall never hunger nor thirst, but shall be filled."

I love love love the promise of the Sacrament, that as we remember Christ and strive to keep Him in the center of our lives, that we will feel an infinite, heavenly type of "full." In a world that is so full of distractions and numbness, a promise of true, soulful fullness is incredible!

Spanish Rant/Spritiual Thought

In Spanish this is super super cool too! The end of the verse finishes: "y su alma nunca tendrá hambre ni sed, sino que será llena." In spanish there is 2 different words for the verb "to be." There is "estar" which is used for more temporary things, emotions, locations and "ser" which describes a state of being that is more permanent and characteristic. Usually in a sitation talking about hunger and being filled, you'd use "estar" because it's a temporary state of being, but this scripture uses "ser" implying a characteristical, permanent feeling of fullness, a Godly type of fullness in your soul! Ah, the scriptures are so good and sometimes (a lot of the times) even better in Spanish!!!

I love you all so so much and know that God loves you even more!!

Los quiero con todo mi corazón,

Hermana Ludvigson

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