Sister Alleia Atkinson completed her mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She served in the DC North Mission.
Scott and Danielle Atkinson of the Arrowhead Ward, West Stake, are Alleia's parents.
Sister Alleia Atkinson will report on October 27th, 12 am in the Stake Center. It is located at 100 N. Arrowhead Lane.
Welcome home!

Sister Atkinson's Testimony:
My mission is at an end now and I want to share my testimony as I will do for the rest of my life.
I know my Savior. I know He lives, I know He loves us, I know He suffered and died so we can live free of the sins we make. I know repentance is a gift we have been given through Christ. I know I can repent and be forgiven of my sins.
I know My Heavenly Father lives and He wants us all to come home. I know He is involved in every detail of our lives. I know He has given us the agency to choose Him and that He can't make that decision for us. And I choose to follow Christ all the way back home to God, our loving Heavenly Father.
I know we have a prophet called of God and ordained to his call. I know he is an imperfect person like the rest of us but that he guides this church in perfection, under our Savior's direction.
I know, regardless of religion, we can all be disciples for Christ. And I know because I have seen it.
I have loved my mission and I'm sad to go home. But my mission call is changing, I am to be a member missionary and share the gospel wherever I go. But DC and Maryland will always have a piece of my heart. I love you❤