An amazing recreation of Harry Potter’s world greeted 149 local Cub Scouts as they began their 4 day Cub Scout Day Camp April 2nd thru the 5th. This valley wide gathering of boys from 8 to 10 years was held at the Mesquite, Nevada Stake building of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for a lot of fun and learning. They met for three afternoons and Saturday morning to play games, complete goals in their Cub Scout advancement, and eat yummy meals like the Friday turkey feast.
The boys were able to earn Cub Scout badges in 9 different achievement groups and do such fun things as shoot BB guns, see magic tricks, and make magic wands. The Cub Scouts worked on projects like a wood holder for their Arrow of Light award that they completed and took home. Those adults responsible for preparing these projects are Tiffany and Richard Heath, John and Jessica Meierhoff, and Gary Hillius.
“The boys all had a wonderful time and I could not have done it without my awesome helpers” said the chairperson of the event Krissy Thornton. She was quick to credit the hard work of her committee Leora Potter, Nikki Thornton, Melinda Abbott, and Kenda and Whitnee Heath. The amazing decorations of the world of Harry Potter was done by Ryan Thornton, Daniel Felix, and Val, Carol, John, and Aaron Woods. Isela Zarate took hundreds of photos to record the event.
To the boys’ delight there were characters from Harry’s world that interacted with them making the atmosphere all the more magical. The cast consisted of Josh Abbott, Kaci Mickelson, Ray Toombs, Chance Thornton, Wyatt Hillius, and Val and Riley Woods. It seemed they had as much fun as the boys. Krissy herself was dressed in costume and went about giving “gold” coins when she observed acts of service. “It was important to me that the three goals of the event were that the boys were always respectful and kind and that they loved one another. I am gratified to say I saw a lot of that behavior. We have a lot of really good kids.” Two important helpers were 13 year old Boy Scouts, Carson Johnson and David Vogel.
Saturday morning the older boys called Webelos went on a 3 mile hike that wound through the community and for some amounted to nearly 4 miles.
Teachers and leaders of these boys such as Jill Empey and Jennifer Tichenor are continually working to give these Cub Scouts wholesome, fun, learning experiences.
The Cub Scout program is helping boys grow and develop into fine young men.