Seventeen Young Women of the Mesquite Nevada Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints recently received their awards of recognition for their work in Personal Progress. They worked with their parents, leaders, other adults and older young women who have already earned their awards.
To earn this award the young women were required to attend Sacrament meeting regularly, live the standards in For the Strength of Youth, complete the value experiences and value project for each of the eight values, keep a personal journal, attend seminary, read the Book of Mormon, and record their testimony of the Savior Jesus Christ.
Some young women earned their Honor Bees by continuing their efforts further. After finishing their Personal Progress they read the Book of Mormon again and served others for a total of 40 hours under the direction of their leaders.
Others receiving the award were older women and leaders who were interested in progressing through the program and assisting the younger women. They fulfilled the same requirements and received the same awards.
The awards were given by their bishops in Sacrament meetings. A recognition dinner and program were held May 4, 2016.