Layton Woods received his Eagle Scout Award at a court of honor. He is a member of Venture Crew 2493 sponsored by the Mesquite 4th Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He built informational boards for the Mesquite city soccer complex. He is the son of John and Jennifer Woods and is a senior at Virgin Valley High School where he is a member of the football and baseball teams.
After graduation, he plans on serving a mission for the LDS church. His favorite merit badges were swimming and lifesaving. Layton presented his parents with pins to thank them their help in achieving the highest rank in scouting, Eagle Scout.
Ryan Toone, chairman of the Eagle Board, gave Layton the Eagle Charge, “I charge you to undertake your citizenship with a solemn dedication. I charge you to live and serve so that those who know you will be inspired to finer living and continue to live the 12 points of the Scout Law. Help build America on a solid foundation of clean living, honest work, unselfish citizenship and reverence for God. Rededicate yourself to the principles of Scouting and lift other scouts along the trail to Eagle.”
Layton presented the mentor pin to Val Woods, his grandfather, for all of his help and encouragement on the trail to Eagle Scout. Mark Tichenor, commissioner of Virgin River Valley BSA, presented him with a pocket knife engraved with Eagle Scout to remind him to continue to live the principles of scouting.