The Boy Scouts of the Mesquite Nevada Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints held an environmental science merit badge class. There were 24 boys in attendance, and all of them completed the requirements to receive the merit badge. The class was held in Bunkerville at the park, which gave the young men a great opportunity to do (3) 20 minute observations of their surroundings, and the environment.
The class was taught by Chris Allen, with Jaydel Wilson assisting him. Each month, the merit badge powwow committee will be hosting a different merit badge class.
Chris Allen said “Our goal is to teach the scouts all of the required merit badges that are needed for the rank of Eagle Scout in an 18 month period. Traditionally we do a merit badge powwow at the beginning of each year. Our goal is to get the boys out into the environment in which they will be learning the different merit badges. This will hopefully give them more enthusiasm to learn, and eliminate the need for sitting in a classroom for 10 - 12 hours for two weekends in January. Putting the scouts in the environment of the class they were learning, helped educate them.”
Next month’s class will be first aid, but parents can be assured that classes will not be held in the ER at Mesa View! Each month the counselor teaching the class will be given the opportunity to pick the class location.
To reach the goal of Eagle Scout there are 13 required and 8 elective merit badges needed. If the scouts attend these required merit badge classes it gives them more versatility at summer camps to enjoy elective classes like archery, rifle shooting, and canoeing.