An Eagle Court of Honor was held for Wyatt Hillius, Jeager Lee, and Timothy Maui'a-Moeai, member of Troop 2488 sponsored by the Mesquite 3rd Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Wyatt built a pergola over the picnic tables at Camp Kolob, an LDS youth camp near Zion. He is the son of Gary and Leora Hillius and will be a freshman at Virgin Valley High School. He is a member of the football and wrestling teams. Jaeger installed a new flagpole at Camp Kolob for his project. He is the son of Charles and Dawn Lee. He earned 37 merit badges which is 16 more than required and is eligible to earn 3 palms. He will be in 8th grade at Hughes Middle School. He plays in the guitar ensemble and football team. Tim built a bench at the Mesquite Animal Shelter so people can sit while they decide to adopt a pet. Tim is the son of Jannella Maui’a and will be a senior at Virgin Valley High School. He is a member of the football and wrestling teams.
Bill Benson gave the Eagle Charge and told the scouts that they are now a “marked man” and therefore they are representing scouting. He said, “You bring honor to yourselves, your God and family and your country. Live and serve to uplift others. Build America on strong foundation of clean living, honest work, unselfish citizenship and reverence for God. Whatever others do, you will leave behind you a record of which you may be justly proud.”
Ensign Robert Stepp had the three Eagle Scouts repeat the Scout Oath to reaffirm their obligations to continue to live the principles of scouting. Tim, Jaeger and Wyatt presented the mentor pins to Jon Meierhoff, their scoutmaster, in gratitude for his help along the trail to Eagle. The mothers pinned the Eagle Badge on their sons and the sons gave their mother pins to thank them for their help in achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. The Eagle’s nest was formed by Mark Tichenor and the scouts were escorted to sit in the Eagle’s nest with those who have previously received the award.
Walter Dalton, young men’s President, congratulated the Eagle Scouts and said, “These are young men who do live the Scout Oath and Law.” Mark Tichenor, Chairman for Virgin River Valley BSA, presented the scouts with pocket knives engraved with “Eagle Scout” to remind them to continue to live the scout oath and law.