Greetings Friends and Neighbors of the Mesquite Nevada Stake,
My prayer is that all are well and making the best of the time we have to be at home with our families during this historical time of our lives.
When I was a young boy growing up my Mother continually warned me to be careful when I was around bees because I was severely allergic to their sting. If I were stung I would swell up and was unable to breath. As we were all growing up it seems like almost every General Conference we were warned of trying times ahead and of the importance of having a home storage program to be ready for times of need. Just as a young boy I sometimes had some run ins with bees but was saved by receiving the proper medicine that my Mother kept on hand all of the time, I think a lot of us have been caught with not having some of the necessities that we need to survive when we cannot purchase those items in the stores. I have seen an increase of love and service as those that have what they need have shared with those that did not.
I testify to all of you that we are being taught and led by a living Prophet of God; Russell M Nelson has been called to lead us during these trying times. I would like to quote from an article sent to Priesthood Leaders from the 1st Presidency:
The Lord has Prepared His Church
“Inspired direction over many years has prepared the Lord’s Church and its members, both temporally and spiritually, for changing and challenging times.
In addition to the long-time counsel for members to have food storage in their homes, Church members are focused on observing the Sabbath Day, ministering to others, and strengthening Melchizedek Priesthood quorums and Relief Societies. Through His prophets, the Lord has increased focus on home-centered, Church-supported gospel learning and living. Members have been encouraged to make their homes true sanctuaries of faith where children and youth are taught the gospel. The Come, Follow Me curriculum provides a model where members everywhere learn the gospel in their homes and at Church. The Children and Youth program is also home-centered, allowing parents to nurture their children spiritually, intellectually, physically, and socially.
Members have been encouraged to use technology to share gospel messages in normal and natural ways. Missionaries have been provided devices that permit them to find and teach even when in-person contact is not possible. Members can engage in family history work from their homes.
When we look at the interlocking patterns of these efforts and many others, we can see how the Lord has carefully orchestrated and sequenced us to prepare for challenging times.”
Just a Nephi said to his Father, “I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.”
I know that if we follow our leaders and are obedient to that which we are taught and asked to do we will be blessed. We have already seen many great miracles during these times. Families are home together more and enjoying studying the gospel together, many more families are sitting down together at mealtime and actually talking and visiting with each other. I pray that we may all learn from this experience and make it a part of our history as the time that we became closer as families and closer to our Lord and Savior who does live and watches over all of us. I share my witness of a Living Savior and and a living Prophet who together lead and guide us in these interesting times. This I share with you in his name even the Savior of this World Jesus Christ,Amen.
President Danny Allen
Mesquite Stake Presidency