Good morning;
We are grateful for all of you and hope this finds you all well. We know there are some who have challenges in their lives and we pray for you. We pray that all of you can find peace and happiness in this trying time. Grateful for all of your patience and efforts in helping with cleaning and attending sacrament meeting and everything that you do. Each ward will be meeting twice a month for sacrament meeting, if you need information on those times call someone in your ward leadership. You may still continue to worship at home if you are not comfortable meeting as a group, if you are not feeling well please stay at home. Please follow all guidelines for the meetings you attend.
We ask that you continue to do indexing and your family history, if you need help getting started we have wonderful stake and ward consultants willing and ready to help. The temples will be open at some time and we will need names to be able to attend the temple again, that will be a great day.
The stake presidency will be signing recommends on Wednesday nights from 5-6 pm at the stake center. We ask you to call Bro. Bingham to set a time to come in so we can try to maintain social distancing, we also recommend you bring a mask with you. On the 20th of September at 5:00 pm we will have a stake devotional via Webcast, we will send out more information on a link and how to view the devotional. The theme of the devotional will be “Fear Not“ if you would like to study that subject sometime between now and then that would be great.
Again love you and pray for you. We testify that as we keep those covenants we have made, follow the guidelines of our government leaders and most of all the guidelines of our church leaders we will be watched over and protected. We have a Heavenly Father that knows us individually and will bless us for our willingness to be obedient. Jesus Christ is our Savior. We are led by loving Prophets and apostles. The church is true, the Book of Mormon is the word of god translated by the prophet Joseph Smith. Of this we testify in the name of Jesus Christ amen.
With Love The Mesquite Nevada stake presidency.